ACVNU Fellowship Credentialling in Extracorporeal Therapies for established ECT Training Programs
The ACVNU announces the Fellowship Credentialling in extracorporeal therapies for established ECT training programs. Guidelines and expectations for fellowship programs and trainees and the options for certification of trainees who successfully complete approved programs are included in the Training and Certifying Manual available below.
Established ECT programs are encouraged to apply to the ACVNU for recognition.
Program directors can be ECT Founding Fellows, ACVNU ECT Fellows, or Legacy Trainers.
Legacy Trainers are clinicians who have demonstrated expertise in ECT and have applied for and been granted legacy trainer status. Applications to become a legacy trainer will be accepted until June 1, 2025.
Candidates for ACVNU ECT-approved fellowship training do not have to be enrolled in an ACVNU residency, but the title of ACVNU Fellow in Extracorporeal Therapies is reserved for those who become board certified in the ACVNU. For qualified candidates without ACVNU board certification, successful completion of the fellowship allows use of the post nominal title, Fellowship Trained in Extracorporeal Therapies.
Clinicians who have completed a fellowship in ECT during or after 2017 may be eligible for retroactive program approval for partial or full training credit. Individuals have until June 1, 2025 to apply for retroactive credit.